My 1st Love, All Over Again

I never thought I could fall in love with another child in the same way I fell so hard for Cole, my first. Boy, was I wrong! And everyday I look at you, Aidan, my love for you grows even more.
I see your father in your eyes, your adorable but mischievous little smile, your cute little laugh, the way you eat, the way you sleep; in everything you do.
You aren't quite old enough for us to begin to see traits from me just yet. But I see your Dad written all over you. :)
This month you are finally eating baby food and rice cereal and sitting up in your high chair. It is quite adorable. You like it when Cole tries to feed you. You grab the spoon from him, giggling until you run out of air and then stopping to breathe before you resume your hilarity further. You manage to splash baby food in your hair, on the walls, on me...once you got peas in your diaper. I have no idea how that happened!
You still wake up a zillion times a night for bottles. You still don't like to let me put you down for more than five minutes. Your smile melts our hearts, and your laughter brightens the day constantly. Keep on trying to crawl..it is amusing to say the least.
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