March 2005 Monthly Newsletter for Cole

Here are some of the highlights of things you have learned all within the month of March 2005.
Copying curse words..I think you assume your first name is Cole and your last name is Damn It. You mimic everything I do from talking, cooking, singing, to dressing yourself (you try but you still put your shoes on the wrong feet and insist upon walking around all day like that, as if you are right). Your nanny about pissed herself when you were attempting to learn how to ride a tricycle for the first time, and your verbal frustration came out when your legs could not reach the petals. "Ohhh shit", you sighed as you plopped down on the ground beside the tricycle in your frustration. Your little friend Orion copied you, and I am sure she has not forgiven me to this day.
I am sorry for my frustrations. You are a bright child, and bright children "get into things".
You do copy attributes other than my potty mouth, such as my cooking for instance. You really love it when I let you stir the batter for brownies and then lick the bowl once I am done pouring the batter into the pan. You watch the stove for every minute of the long forty-five minute waiting session, and for every minute of cooking you have to ask "Are they done yet"? You learned how to make coffee with surprising finesse. I love how you pay attention closely enough to make sure the coffee grounds get pressed firmly enough in the French Press, and then how you scoop out any grounds floating on top of my coffee cup. You always ask for a cup of joe of your own. I prepare you a cup that has only enough coffee in it to maintain the color, but mostly consists of milk. You pretend to sip it as long as I am drinking coffee, also, but then you make yucky faces and spit it out behind my back.
You are almost completely potty trained, and believe me, after over a year of potty-boot-camp-exhaustion, we are soooo relieved. You are even beginning to knock from the inside of your bedroom door at night to tell us when you have to "go stoppy". (That's how 'go potty' is pronounced by you). You never have accidents anymore, and before long the pull ups at night will come off, too. Yay!!
Your bowl cut is gone. Please don't ask me the full story behind it. Let's just say that my hairdressing skills began to lackluster when your squirming skills outgrew them. Of course, I pretended that you wanted this new crew cut, and you do look quite cute. But I miss the bowl, believe me. It was your trademark for so long. So in remembrance of "Cole's Bowl", here you are.
You are becoming more independent each day. You take your own baths, dress yourself, pick out your own underwear, clothes and socks, etc. You brush your own teeth (although I have to finish up because you miss a few spots). You pick out which TV shows you want to watch. You adore "Blue's First Musical Movie", and Bear in The Big Blue House. You especially like it at the end of the latter, when Bear and Luna sing together.
Your psychic abilities are coming out in a surprisingly rampant manner. It really frightened me a bit when you walked into the living room the day before the Pope passed on and said, "Muma and Dada? I want to see the Pope". We turned on the news and you watched stories of his life for half an hour! We were shocked. I asked you later why you wanted to watch The Pope, and you said, "Pope sick"...another shocker.
You have a few friends, but you still prefer staying home with me or going over to your nanny's house to preschool. That's ok. We understand. :)
As I watched you run from me yesterday to play hide and go seek, I wanted to speak the words my heart was crying, "Don't grow so fast. Stay".
Cole's Bowl

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