Divine Dimension

You from new york you are so relevant you reduce me to cosmic tears... Luminous more so than most anyone; unapologetically alive

Monday, January 10, 2005

And the Worst Mother of The Year Award Goes to......

ME. You heard it. I hereby name myself the "Worst Mother of The Year". I am going to have to do the dreaded, the thing I swore I would never do: send my kids away for someone else to take care of.

I woke up FOUR times last night to feed and change little A. Still, at 5 and a half months old, he refuses to sleep through the night. Mr. T, the oldest, refuses to potty train and woke up from his nap today with poo-poo all over himself, his clothes, his bed, his pillow..even his hair. He won't tell us when he has to go potty, so he sits in it, which has caused him to have a rash that is AWFUL. Despite my mother's wonderful attempts, the house is always a wreck, full of empty bottles and wrapped up, soiled diapers from where I have to wake up several times a night to feed Little A. Mr. T cannot eat without feeding the dog or the cat, which leaves his lunch all over himself, the cat/dog, the floor, the table, the chair...EVERYWHERE. I find myself on my knees scrubbing vegetable soup off the floor almost everyday.

Little A likes to vomit everywhere after meals. The vomit is constantly being cleaned off the carpet, his pajamas, his face, his hands, his hair. I think I reached my limit when he did his thang yesterday and the dog came and licked it up. Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Every mother, even good ones, reaches her limit.

But especially because I have Acute Leukemia, and I am now about to start my fifth round of chemotherapy AND the oldest one recently passed his bronchitis along to me. So when my sister-in-law sent me a very sweet and carefully written email, asking me to consider flying the kids out to stay with her ten states away, my mind wandered. And as guilty as I feel for saying this, I am thinking about it.

Please pray for us.


At 1:45 PM, Blogger Cheryl said...

Worst Mother of the year?!?! Are you *bleepin'* kidding me?

Let's run through the list:

* you have Leukemia
* two small (SMALL) children
* your husband is working like mad to support what was once a two income household

The fact that you've hung in there this long is amazing to me. Do not beat yourself up. Recognize what you need to do to heal. Rest. REST. REST. Respond to your bodies needs and focus on treatment. You are helping your children and you by making this decision. Hey..no matter what you choose - you do NOT beat yourself up about this. You are loved and supported. Do what you need to do.

At 9:51 PM, Blogger Gina said...

Oh, sweetie, I wish you the best in your upcoming treatments. I will definitely be keeping you and your family in my thoughts.

As for the Worst Mother of the Year Award to youself- I DON'T THINK SO.

I think your sister is very supportive to make that offer, and I think that unless you think it would make you feel worse having them not around, you should seriously consider it. You would in no way be a bad mother, any more than a mother who goes to the gym is a bad mother because she isn't with her kids whle she is working out. In the long run, the kids have a healthier mom, which is better for everyone.

At 6:19 AM, Blogger L said...

I hate to break the news to you, but The Worst Mother of the Year award has already been given to my neighbor. She has it locked up and there's no one that can unseat her.

So now the pressure of competition is off, you can relax and give yourself some slack. Raising children is hard under the best of circumstances (so I'm told). Raising children while receiving chemotherapy puts you in the running for Super Mother of the Year.

It does sound like you need help. Asking for help is the hardest thing in the world, especially when it's for things that you feel you should be able to do yourself (like caring for your kiddies). Swallow that pride, swallow that shame, swallow that monkey and ask for the help. I can imagine that you'd have a crowd of people at your door fighting over who was going to help you more.



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