Getting to Know Me
This Post is dedicated to Laurin and Angela, who are trying to "get to know me". Here are some random things about me that might help you in your eventful quest:
1) I love coffee. Peet's is my favorite, followed by Cafe Du Monde of NOLA and Gevalia. I love roasted coffee beans. I freeze them and then take them out every morning to grind up fresh before I put them in a French Press. There's no other way. My addicted is insurmountable;
2) I am the biggest baby talker in the world. Each of my two children have more than twenty terms of endearment, some of which are "pooter scooter", "baby roo", "Colie", "Coley Poo", "Aidan Roo", "Baby Butt", "Toddler Face", "Toddling Toddler" and "Baby Tyke";
3) My three year old uses curse words. Sorry, but I curse like a sailor; therefore I cannot break Cole from cursing, too. His latest addition to the swearing is, "Oh God" and "Holy Hell". God is going to smite me any day now;
4) My husband does all the housework. Isn't that grand!?
5) I love the show "South Park";
6) I watch Fear Factor (yes even when they had the worm slushy);
7) I pick at my hangnails till they bleed and never get manicures;
8) I wear my pajamas all day long until I have appointments with clients and have to go out;
9) I take baths, not showers;
10) I am very formidable when provoked. You guys see me as some very sweet little Mom who is empathic and compassionate. But if you piss me off you should promptly head for the hills;
11) Arkansas secretly scares the shit out of me, along with Bill Clinton. I was never able to get over the "pickeled jar" that Southerners keep on the shelves in convenience stores. What's in there, Laurin? I know I will potentially lose Laurin for this one, but I was very afraid when she asked me to come to Arkansas for a down home meal in the restaurant wherein one walks through the kitchen to get to the seating area;
12) Leesvillieans scare me. Living in Leesville, LA has it's own special challenges;
13) I am secretly afraid that Laurin's friend Amelia thinks I am the devil incarnated;
14) I am jealous of the close relationship Laurin has with her Mom;
15) I am jealous of the close relationship Angela has with her husband, Eric;
16) I secretly long to be thin, as I have naturally been all of my life until I had two babies;
17) I am secretly jealous of Angela's fabulous house and the fact that she lives in Massachusetts;
18) I love my work. Most people don't. But I love what I do;
19) My hair irritates the hell out of me. I am constantly cutting it, coloring it, hiding it..ugh;
20) I won't wear socks right when I lie down for sleeping, but once I wake up later in the night I must have socks so that my feet don't freeze. But then I tired of the socks and rip them off during sleep. There are several very clean pairs of socks around each corner of my bed at all times;
21) Sometimes I drink during the day. Once in a blue moon I will pour one single glass of wine or brandy around 12Noon just for relaxation purposes;
22) I miss my father. He passed away in March and it still feels like I just lost him yesterday. Sometimes you'll see smiles on my face but sadness in my eyes..this is why;
23) I live paycheck to paycheck. Every since the bout with cancer, the medical bills have been huge. Of course, being self-employed doesn't help since the IRS likes to take up to 50 percent of my earnings at any given time;
24) I haven't been able to fit into my pre-pregnant clothes yet. Don't ask..just don't ask. LOL!
25) I don't go to church. I believe that God is in nature, and lives within me;
26) I don't like to share the same bed with anyone, not even my husband. If you snore, toss and turn or take my blankets you're OUT of my bed. Therefore, I sleep alone;
27) I LOVE baby smiles. I live for them!
28) I love to laugh. You know the type of laughing sessions...I love to laugh at myself and others. A good bout of belly laughter is the best medicine ever;
29) I can't cook for shit. I burn water, even;
30) I have two very useless bachelor's degrees and one master's degree (Psychology and Music Perfomance)
31) I hated every minute of school and won't return unless it's vital and necessary;
32) I hate changing dirty baby diapers, and I am still not immune to the smell;
33) I tell people I am twenty-nine, as opposed to my real age of thirty;
34) People mistake my astrological sign Taurus, as Cancer or Pisces;
35) I haven't shaved my legs in two whole weeks;
36) I will only wear the most expensive perfumes, yet I use the cheapest soaps in the world. L'eau D' Issey by Issay Miyake is my favorite perfume but I bathe with Zest and Jergens;
37) I don't wear much makeup;
38) I have a half brother and even a real brother somewhere out there that I have never met;
39) My Dad died of lung cancer and liver disease;
40) Just about every family member of mine that has passed died with some form of cancer, heart or liver problem;
41) I have a potentially fatal heart condition that is yet to be treated;
42) I also have the biggest heart this side of the Louisiana border (emotionally that is);
43) Growing up people thought I was a snob, but in actuality I was just completely enthralled with music to the extent of obsession and had no interest in leaving my practice room;
44) I was a cheerleader in junior high school;
45) I was popular in high school;
46) I was a drum major in high school;
47) I had a secret crush on my husband during high school, even though we dated other people and not each other;
48) I've been married three times. PUHLEASE don't ask since one was an anullment and the other is, well...obviously a mistake;
49) I have sang in Carnegie Hall;
50) I won a scholarship to Eastman School of Music but declined it like an idiot;
51) My singing style is more like Jewel meets Beyonce;
52) I have more black friends than white ones and more single friends or friends without children;
53) People are often jealous of me for some unknown reason;
54) I do not prefer triangle friendships. Whenever I become friends with a friend who is already very close to another friend, said friend tries to "bring me into the circle". I prefer more intimate friendships, not "group friends";
55) I forget my friends' birthdays and even their children's birthdays;
56) I bite my fingernails; and
57) I don't gossip and I refuse to be around gossip in just about any capacity.
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